The Mad River Girls Fastpitch Softball Association is excited to announce our first annual
Arcata Area Fastpitch Umpire Clinic
March 21 and 22
8 am - 4 pm
at Pacific Union School
on Janes Road in Arcata (next to Mad River Hospital)
Registration is $25 for both days
and includes lunch on both days, free t-shirts,
and certificates to all who complete the training.
Registration deadline is Saturday, March 14th.
Late registration is possible, but will not guarantee a t-shirt or lunch.
Advance registration is required for this first-of-its-kind umpire training in Humboldt County. The registration deadline is Saturday, March 14th. Contact league Umpire-in-Chief Gary McLachlan at 707-502-9361 or via email at
umpiringisgreat@gmail.com to register.
This special clinic will develop basic fastpitch softball umpiring skills for the participants, regardless of previous experience. We will focus on correct field positioning, umpire movement on each play, responsibility as part of the team of umpires on the field, basic rules, pitching positioning. Umpire decorum and how to handle coaches and players will also be covered.
While ASA Fastpitch umpiring standards will be emphasized, the clinic is open to all umpires, regardless of experience or affiliation, in area fastpitch softball programs, including ASA, Little League and High School programs.
Please join us for this important training.
Meet Mad River Girls Fastpitch Softball's new Umpire-in-Chief: Gary McLachlan moved to Humboldt County from Atlanta last summer. An active umpire for many years, Gary has officiated ASA, High School and Junior College level softball. He has umpired in three national tournaments in his 40 year career. Gary's emphasis is to assist the recreational softball umpiring in the Arcata-Eureka-McKinleyville area.
Opportunities for umpiring in Mad River Girls Fastpitch Softball Association's spring season are available now! Contact Gary at
umpiringisgreat@gmail.com or the league at
madrivergirlssoftball@gmail.com for more information.