I know, I know. 2010 actually began a couple weeks ago, but around here the year really doesn't get going until the gloves are loosened up and the pop of a big yellow ball on soft leather is heard throughout the neighborhood.
The Mad River Girls Fastpitch Softball Association is gearing up for another great season of girls fastpitch softball! Changes are afoot on the field and off, and we invite you to join us for an exciting 2010 season. Our big news?
Mad River Girls Fastpitch Softball is coming to Eureka in 2010!Our quality ASA-sanctioned recreational program has served the Arcata and McKinleyville communities for the past 20 years. In 2010, we're bringing our special brand of recreational ASA fastpitch softball to Eureka. Through agreements with the City of Eureka, MRGFSA will hold practices and games at both Kennedy and Hartman Fields. Along with quality, certified coaches, Eureka players will benefit from our positive coaching environment, a laser focus on age-appropriate skill development, and trained and certified umpires, all wrapped in a supportive team environment.
We welcome all interested Eureka players, parents and coaches to contact us for more information on our program. We look forward to building a strong ASA fastpitch softball program throughout northern Humboldt County.
To our loyal players and parents further north, our program continues to grow in Arcata, McKinleyville and the surrounding communities. As in years past, practices and games will be scheduled at Hiller Park in McKinleyville, the Arcata Sports Complex, and at our new field in Samoa!
Important Upcoming DatesOn-site Registrations:
- Saturday February 6 and February 13 at the Eureka Los Bagels and Staples from 10am to 3pm
- Saturday, February 27 and March 6 at the Arcata Community Center from 9am to 3:30pm.
- You can also download our 2010 registration form here and mail it into us at any time, or call us at 822-3575 and we'll send one out to you.
Our Winter Warm-Up Clinic, Saturday, February 21st for all players ages 7 to 10 at the Arcata Community Center.Player Assessments on Saturday, March 13th at the HSU Field House, 11:30 to 3:30 (times will depend on your player's age)Practices begin on Monday, March 15th and our 2010 season runs from April 12th through 11th.
New Coaches, Umpires, Volunteers and Sponsors are always welcome!Are you interested in being part of our exciting and expanding program? The MRGFSA board welcomes all interested coaches and parent volunteers. With our expansion to Eureka, we welcome all Eureka softball fans to help us make our program the premier fastpitch softball experience on the North Coast.
Please feel free to email us at madrivergirlssoftball@gmail.com or call our office at 822-3575 for information.
And....we're now on Facebook! Join our group by typing in "Mad River Girls Fastpitch Softball Association" and join in on the fun. Let's share some photos, great plays, game chatter and story telling with all our softball friends.
I don't know about all of you, but it's gettin' about time to PLAY BALL!
We're looking forward to seeing everyone very soon.