Pitching Clinics begin Friday, April 1st: Kelly Helms will once again lead our Friday night pitching clinics beginning this coming Friday. Clinics will be held at the Pacific Union Field. An n introductory clinic for pitchers with less than 3 years experience will be held from 5:00-6:00. Advanced pitchers, those with 3+ years of pitching will meet from 6:00-7:00. The cost is $5.00 per player, and each player is asked to provide their own catcher (preferably an adult). These clinics were invaluable to those pitchers who participated last season. Join the fun and learn how to pitch...every Friday between now and the end of the season.
Season opening Jamboree, Saturday, April 9th: Please mark your calenders for April 9th. That's the official first day of the season with short scrimmages and team and player photos, all at the Arcata Sports Complex. Regular season games are schedule to begin on Monday, April 11th. Schedules for the Jamboree and the season will be out shortly.
Yes, we're still taking new players! Though teams have been formed and are starting to pull together, we're still taking registrations for new and returning players for our spring season. Registration forms can be downloaded from the links on the right. Send it in to our office asap to get your spot on a team. (If you call or email us when you send that in, we'll do what we can to expedite the process.
For those that have registered already, you should have heard from your coaches by now, even if you haven't been able to get out on a field. If you haven't heard from anyone yet, contact us at madrivergirlssoftball@gmail.com and we'll figure out where you supposed to be.
The rain will end. It always ends. Doesn't it?