Mad River Girls Fastpitch Softball Association is developing ASA summer travel teams in the next few weeks. Teams will be formed at the 12 & Under, 14 & Under and 16 & Under levels. (And maybe even 18 & Under if the interest is there.)
We are excited to be partnering with several experienced local coaches who will lead our teams and to see this program of ASA travel ball develop and continue in the coming years. We are anticipating two travel weekends and at least one weekend of home games during June and July.
Parents and players are invited to attend a planning meeting on Wednesday, May 4th at 6:00 pm at the Arcata Community Center. Coaches and league officials will be on hand to discuss travel plans, costs, important dates, tryouts and team formation, and other important issues with you. Please download the meeting flyer and share with others who you think may be interested.
Please join on us next Wednesday, and don't hesitate to contact us via phone (822-3575) or email (madrivergirlssoftball@gmail.com) if you have any questions.
We'll see y'all next week.