We made a few changes to the online registration site this past weekend to simplify it, with a few minor debugs finalized on Wednesday morning. We're hopeful these changes will make it easier for you to register your player using the Association's new online registration system. Also please note that if you do run into problems, try registering using a different web browser. Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers have been shown to be very compatible with the online registration system, whereas Internet Explorer has occasionally been known to result in a system error.
A few other points about the online system:
Parents can register online, but pay later with a check or with cash. That will work just fine!
You can mail your payment by check if you prefer.
Parents can also pay by credit card on the secure site when registering, if they choose to do so.
Please fill out the entire form as it will prevent errors and helps us greatly to register players with ASA and in conducting player assessments.
The registration period will remain open until Feb 28, after which late registration will commence. Given the "newness" of the organization's secure online registration process, the late registration fee has been waived and the site will remain open until March 16th. However, we encourage parents to sign up players early. Late registration closes on March 16, 2014, after which parents must contact Regional Rec Program Representatives or the Board of Directors to be added to a waitlist, and will be notified and allowed to register late if space is available.
We greatly appreciate parents' taking the time to fill out the online registration form and encourage all to do so ASAP! THANK YOU! Last season it was very challenging for volunteers to enter data from some 400 plus hand-written registration forms into a spreadsheet, as needed by the League to form teams and as required by ASA for insurance purposes. So again... THANK YOU for registering online as early as possible! If you have any problems with the system, please send us an email so we can work to correct it. Looking forward to seeing you all on the fields very soon!
We are pleased to announce that registration for the 2014 Season of Humboldt Fastpitch, the Recreation Division of Mad River Girls Fastpitch Softball, has gone online!
The registration period will remain open until Feb 28, after which late registration will commence. Given the "newness" of the organization's secure online registration process, we are waiving the late registration fee. However, we encourage players to sign up early as it will help to organize and schedule the 2014 Recreation season. Late registration closes on March 16, 2014, after which parents must contact Regional Rec Program Representatives or the Board of Directors to be added to a waitlist, and will be notified and allowed to register late if space is available.
RECREATION DIVISION softball skill assessments are tentatively scheduled for Sunday, March 9th at Fortuna High School and Sunday, March 16th at McKinleyville High School and will run from 10 am to 1 pm. Please note players 8 years old and under do not need to attend. If an 8-year old wishes to play up, however, they must attend one of the skills assessments. Specific times for assessments for each age group are as follows: Age 10 and under at 10:30 am, Age 12 and under at 11:30 am, and Age 14 and older at 12:30. Please plan to arrive prior to your specific assessment time to allow time to warm up! We need to stress the importance of player attendance at assessments as player evaluations will allow effective distribution of players to teams.
For more information about the Mad River Girls Fastpitch Softball Association, Its Recreational Program Humboldt Fastpitch, or its Competitive Travel Program, the Mad River Mist, check out posts on this website, our organization's fact sheet, browse our facebook site, or click the Questions link at the bottom of the online registration intro page!