Revised schedules reflecting last week's rainouts are posted on
the league website and available now. Changes effect games as soon as tomorrow,
Monday 5/11. The Master Schedule and individual division schedules should match.
Please look over the revised schedules closely. It is the coaches' responsibility to communicate the changes to your teams.8 Under Division: No changes to the existing schedules. The rained out interleague games will not be rescheduled.
10 Under Division: There were changes reflecting rainouts.
12 Under Division: There were changes to adjust for rainouts and schedule conflicts.
16 Under Division: There are no changes to the remainder of the schedule.
We've tried to fit in as many rescheduled games as we could. In some cases, either coaches' requests or field availability left me without good options for rescheduling. Changes from here on out will take place on a case by case basis. With just three weeks remaining in the season, and fields and umpires in short supply, please understand that we may not be able to make up each and every game.
Thank you all for your support and patience as we find times for games missed due to weather or school conflicts.
Remember that a post-season championship tournament for the 10U, 12U and 16U divisions will take place during the week of June 1st.