Well, we were supposed to be done by now, but this never-ending rain is not going to wash our season down the drain completely. There will be one more week of games, and we will host an end-of-season mini-tournament next Saturday, June 12th at the Arcata Sports Complex. Here's the scoop:
There will be some make-up games this coming week. Coaches were asked last week who would have players available for some make-up games this week. Several teams whose coaches responded affirmatively have been scheduled for games this week. Your coach should be in contact with you about these games. (You can also check the
master game schedule on this site to see if your team is playing.)
On Saturday, June 12th, the league will host a rapid round-robin tournament for teams in all divisions at the Arcata Sports Complex. The games are intended as fast-paced 40 minute affairs in which all teams will participate. It promises to be a fun event...and the weather looks good already. Join us for Saturday in the sun (finally) and our last day of spring softball. Division schedules are as follows:
- 8 & Under Division plays from 10am to noon on the north field.
- 10 & Under Division plays from 10am t0 noon on the south field.
- 12 & Under Division plays from noon to 2pm on the north field.
- 16 & Under Division plays from noon t0 2pm on the south field.
All Stars!Coaches have been asked to select 4 players to represent their teams as our 2010 All Stars! Our 2010 Mad River Girls Fastpitch Softball teams will be announced on the field at the conclusion of each divisions tournament.
Saturday, June 12th will also be our chance to wrap up a few other things.
- Player uniforms will be collected at the end of the tournament so plan on bringing a change of clothes to the field. You must return your uniform in order to receive a refund on you uniform deposit, or credit towards next year's uniform deposit.
- All candy bar money must be turned in by Saturday as well. Each player is responsible for for selling at least $50 worth of candy bars. (This is our league's biggest fundraiser!) Please bring your $50 to the field on Saturday.
- Coaches, please have all your equipment ready to turn in on Saturday afternoon as well.
The MRGFSA board of directors would personally like to thank each and every one of you - players, coaches, parents and fans - for your patience and positive attitudes throughout this very wet and trying season. The rain has messed with us more than ever before, but it is our hope that our hardworking, fun-loving players have had a rewarding and positive fastpitch softball experience through it all. Let's hope that next year dries out a bit and gives us a better opportunity to play a few more games.
Thank you all, and we'll see you next week.