Monday, June 14, 2010

Thank you Dan Duncan

As many of you now know by now, our league President for the past 10 years has decided to ease himself into retirement. Effective at the end of our 2010 season, Dan is stepping down as president to move on to other projects and pastimes. Here is Dan's letter to the board of directors:

MRGFSA Board members and friends:

I love our ASA league, and I have given it my best for the last 10 years (the last 6 years as ASA), but it is time for me to move on. I am retiring, and I want to see things and do things that older folks get to do, like take a vacation in the middle of winter, or buy a Harley and hit the road and dream of being 16 again. Such things are hard to do when you’re busy putting up softball banners at strategic locations all over town in January, or bouncing around from one to another of the nine public schools north of Eureka in March asking the school secretary to put our assessment notice into their bulletin announcement the next morning and the morning after that. I’m not complaining. I just want to do something else now besides this (important!) stuff.

As of July 1, 2010, I am resigning as president of MRGFSA. The league has a great bookkeeper in Katie, so the business of the league will continue uninterrupted. I will be keeping my office and will continue to share it with the league. I will also continue my role as the ASA go to person for Humboldt County. I may or may not continue coaching in the future, depending on the league’s need, and my availability. I will train the next president, if needed, but on the job training works just as well in a role like this one. In short, whatever the league needs as it transitions over to the next leader, I will be happy to help with.

I will miss all of you but I will miss the girls most. When you’re not a parent of children anymore (they grow up and go away!) the contact in sports is the best place to stay in touch with youth. I don’t see myself ever letting this go entirely. Such contact is important; kids keep you young inside, where it matters. So don’t look for me to go away entirely. However, come this summer... if you see me go by on a Harley,



From all the players, parents, coaches, umpires, board members and fans of quality fastpitch softball,
Thank you Dan for your time, your passion, and your dedication to the softball players of Humboldt County

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