We feel Humboldt Fastpitch better reflects our organization’s goal of “Bridging, Blending, and Building Softball Communities” through the creation of a county-wide youth fastpitch softball program. Please look for updates on this expanded program on our Facebook Site. - Frank Gonsalves, McKinleyville/Trinidad
- Kelly Helms/Steve Sarchett, Arcata
- Shanna McCracken, Eureka
- Bobby Dolcini, Ferndale
- Robb Foley, Fortuna
- Ageana Brett, Scotia/Rio Del
- Rick Todd, Garberville/Redway
- Rowdy Robbins, Hoopa/Willow Creek
On this Blog you will find both the RECREATIONAL and TRAVEL registration forms for the 2013 softball season! For those players interested in playing TRAVEL softball, registration is rapidly approaching! Practices will begin on Sundays, starting on January 13th, 2013 and will run through the end of the month for assessment purposes. These Sunday TRAVEL sessions will be held at Fortuna High School and will run from 10 am to 1 pm. We are actively seeking players at all levels of TRAVEL play (16u to 10u) and highly encourage ALL interested players to come check it out! TRAVEL registration can happen on-site at these Sunday practices or can be mailed to the PO Box on the registration form. Additionally, for our 14u and 16u high school players, the Sunday practices are a great way to tune up prior to the high school softball season that starts in early February! The travel schedule is pending the release of the 2013 ASA softball tournament schedules, but generally consists of one away tournament each month starting in March. As soon as we are able to finalize a tentative schedule, we will send it out.
- Jan. 27th, 10 AM to 3 PM
- Feb. 10th, 10 AM to 3 PM
- Feb. 24th, 10 AM to 3 PM
Registration Locations are:
- Arcata, Arcata Community Center
- Eureka, Big 5 Sporting Goods
- Fortuna, Sport & Cycle
- McKinleyville, Ray’s Food Place
- Hoopa applications can be given to Rowdy Robbins
- Garberville/Redway applications can be given to Rick Todd
Assessments for the RECREATIONAL program will be MANDATORY and will happen on March 3rd at Fortuna High School for our southern participants and March 10th at Arcata High School for our northern participants. However, players may attend either session regardless of the geographic location in which they reside. More information to follow as the time for assessments nears!
If you have any questions, please contact us at: humboldtfastpitch@gmail.com!
We look forward to seeing you on the diamond for this exciting 2013 softball season!
Kelly Helms, President
Nick Hetrick, Vice PresidentMad River Girls Fastpitch Softball Association-Humboldt Fastpitch
PO Box 4361
Arcata, CA 95518