Thursday, August 13, 2015
Ready for Fall Ball?
This weekend marks the end of the summer travel for the Mad River MIST softball program. If any of you are interested in fall travel softball, please let us know! Open practices will be hosted for players to come out and check it out. This Sunday will be the first round of open practices for players ages 12-16. Practice will be hosted at Washington Elementary from 4 to 6 p.m. The 10's are currently out of town for a tournament so open practice will be announced at a later date. If you have any questions, please let us know!
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Sunday Elimination Brackets
Attached are the Sunday Elimination brackets. Please review them carefully.
Additionally, at tournament end, it is imperative that all Humboldt Fastpitch gear and uniforms are checked in at the appropriate check-in tables! Humboldt Fastpitch players should consider wearing a tank top under their jerseys. In trade for the uniform, they will receive a complimentary Humboldt Fastpitch t-shirt. Also, picture discs, pre-order tournament t-shirts, and pre-order sweatshirts are available for pick up at the appropriate site spirit wear table. Please do not forget to pick up your items before tournament end!
Thank you so much for your participation in our FINALE Tournament.
We look forward to working with you in 2016.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
ATTN 8U Families
It is with sincere apologies that we send you this revised 8 and under schedule. Late last night Redwood Fastpitch notified us that two more of their teams have dropped out of the 8 and under event. We tried once again to be the least bit disruptive to the schedule. Please note the changes in the 8 and under schedule for Saturday. Thank you for your patience in regards to this matter. We look forward to a great day of softball this weekend.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Finale Tournament Info
As quickly as it seems the season started, will soon come to an end. June 5-7 marks the Finale Tournament and the end of our RECREATIONAL softball season. We truly hope your family has enjoyed their playing experience with us and look forward to planning out the 2016 softball season. If any of you have positive thoughts, constructive criticisms, or anything else you would like us to know as we plan for 2016, we would appreciate hearing them! We are also always looking for volunteers in search of making a positive contribution to our community, the sport of softball, and Humboldt Fastpitch. If you fall into that category, please let us know! We can ALWAYS use the help!
Please remember that even though this tournament is designed to be competitive, this is a YOUTH Sports Event and that players, coaches, and volunteers are doing their best. Remember that in the end, this is JUST A GAME and the true value of the experience for your daughter will not be measured in the win/loss column! Please create a positive, fun, and supportive tournament environment for all involved. We appreciate your support! Thank you!
At the conclusion of your player's tournament, it is IMPERATIVE we get her uniform! Consequently, at each tournament location, we will have a uniform and equipment table check-in. In trade for your player's uniform, each Humboldt Fastpitch player will get a complimentary Humboldt Fastpitch T-shirt to put on in place of the uniform as they exit the tournament. And, coaches, in trade for your gear, we will give you a complimentary "Head Coach" and "Assistant Coach" shirt as a thank you for your time, effort, energy, and contribution to our organization. This program would not be possible without your contributions! We very much appreciate you! :D
Information for the tournament is as follows (including 6/3/2015 emailed revisions)
8 and Under:
2015 8u Revised Schedule.pdf (see revision posted above)

10 and Under:
12 and Under:
16 and Under:
2015 Tournament Rules:
Humboldt Fastpitch League Rules:
Have a great day!
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Preorder Finale Tourney Tees
It seems that the season has gone too fast and the Finale Tournament is quickly approaching! In preparation for the event, another tournament shirt will be available via pre-order only! We will not be ordering extras. The design is shown below:
T-shirts are $15 and can be customized with name and number for an additional $5 per addition. Clink ORDER NOW to access the pre-order webpage.
Additionally, if you are waiting for a customized tournament shirt, they arrived yesterday! We will be working to contact you for delivery as soon as possible! :)
Finally, are goal is to have the Finale Tourney scheduled distributed by the end of next week! We hope that you have enjoyed your 2015 recreational softball season with us and look forward to working with many of you during our summer 2015 travel softball program! :D If anyone is interested in more information regarding our travel softball program, please contact us via email. Thank you!
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Opening Tournament Info
So at this point, it is pretty obvious that our tournament
schedulers are overworked and under paid!
Regardless, we think we have it right with pool play schedules posted to
the right on this web page!
Additionally, this year marks another set of
"firsts" as we work to develop and evolve our young Humboldt
Fastpitch organization. A few of these
firsts include:- the implementation of photos. Please be sure to get your photo forms in if you are interested! Once collected, photo shoots will be put on the calendar so stay tuned!
- interleague play with Redwood Fastpitch
- Pre-Order on Tournament T-shirts and Sports Wear
Despite a few bumps in the road, we are looking forward to a
full weekend of softball; we hope that you are too! Please remember to be supportive and positive
with our young players and umpires during this opening tournament. Thank you so much for your participation and
support for this POSITIVE ACTIVITY of youth in our community! We hope to see you on the ball field!
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Please find the 2015 Board Approved League Rules posted on this site. As we move into this weekend of games and beyond, please remember that RECREATIONAL sport is not about winning and losing. It is about the love of the sport, the development of the player, and the joy of the experience. Here at Humboldt Fastpitch, we have two foundational questions we ask:
3) Never yell at the ump.
4) Never yell at the other team or their coaches.
5) Stay away from the dugouts during the game.
6) The umpire is human and will make mistakes.
7) Cheer positively.
8) Root for the whole team, not just your son or daughter.
10) “Your child’s success or lack of success in sports does not indicate what kind of parent you are. But having an athlete that is coachable, respectful, a great teammate, mentally tough, resilient and tries their best IS a direct reflection of your parenting.”
#2: And, did we have fun while we were playing it?
We feel that if both answers are YES, then the winning will take care of itself!
As part of that philosophy, we would like to encourage a positive and supportive environment for all involved. Kids play for the love of the game, parents support and spectate for the love of the kid, and volunteers do what they do for both! Long after the score is forgotten, it is the memory of the fun, the friendships and the cherished moments of a time gone by they'll remember the most.
If you are the parent of a young softball player, it’s easy to let the hectic nature of a season get in the way of the big picture. Below are the top 10 tips for parents to follow for each ballgame as posted on "the SEASON" website at
1) Celebrate your child’s effort and sportsmanship, above results such as winning and losing.
2) Do not coach from the stands.3) Never yell at the ump.
4) Never yell at the other team or their coaches.
5) Stay away from the dugouts during the game.
6) The umpire is human and will make mistakes.
7) Cheer positively.
8) Root for the whole team, not just your son or daughter.
10) “Your child’s success or lack of success in sports does not indicate what kind of parent you are. But having an athlete that is coachable, respectful, a great teammate, mentally tough, resilient and tries their best IS a direct reflection of your parenting.”
Sunday, April 12, 2015
2015 Rec Program Game Schedules Released
We are pleased to
release game schedules for the 2015 Humboldt Fastpitch Recreational
Softball Program, which can be downloaded using the links on the right margin
of this webpage. This year the schedule
was particularly challenging to develop given the league’s growing number of teams,
its diversity in team locations, and given that many teams had coaches and/or
a majority of players that were not available for play on certain dates. In addition, Humboldt Fastpitch Teams will participate
in interleague games with Redwood Empire during the 2015 regular season. This is welcome news and should help to make
for a fantastic season. Now let’s “Play
Monday, March 16, 2015
Program Update
Thank you for your patience as volunteers sort through the numerous late registrations we received and work to incorporate these players onto teams. Once placement has been completed, team rosters will be announced at Coaches's meetings to be held the week of the 16th. Shortly thereafter, Coaches will contact players regarding team placement and practice times and location. If there are still interested players that missed registration, please send us an email or call your Region Representative to be placed on a waitlist for potential openings. If you've registered but have yet to pay, please send your check ASAP to:
We are planning to have practices up and running the week of the 23rd, weather permitting, !
Humboldt Fastpitch - Attn Registrar
PO Box 4361
Arcata, CA 95518
Arcata, CA 95518
We are planning to have practices up and running the week of the 23rd, weather permitting, !
So lets get ready to PLAY BALL!
Monday, March 2, 2015
What Now?
you missed registration for the 2015 season of the Humboldt Fastpitch
Recreational Girls Softball Program, its not too late! Registration
reopened on March 2 for a LATE REGISTRATION PERIOD that will end on March 14th. At this point, board members and regional representatives
will be meeting to distribute players to teams. Please be patient with us
as organization volunteers work to pull together teams, register players and coaches with ASA, and
network among coaches to get systems up and running and schedules
developed :) It's our
goal to have players on the field by March 15th!
Also… Are you looking to help support youth
athletics in our community and earn a bit of extra cash in the process? Consider
being an umpire with Humboldt Fastpitch! Umpire
training for the 2015 fastpitch season is scheduled for all interested
individuals for Sunday March 22nd from 2-6 pm on the Humboldt State University
Campus. If you are interested in this unique and rewarding
opportunity, please send us an email at and we will
get you in contact with our League's Umpire in Chief. Thanks!
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Register Online for the 2015 Humboldt Fastpitch Girls Recreational Softball Season!

We are pleased to open registration for the 2015 Season of Humboldt Fastpitch, the Recreation Division of Mad River Girls Fastpitch Softball! Registration will remain open until March 1, 2015, after which late registration will commence. Registration after the deadline will be subject to availability and a $20.00 late registration fee. However, players are asked to register early through the online system as it will help our all-volunteer staff to organize and schedule the 2015 Season. Note that late registration will close on March 14, 2015, after which parents must contact Regional Rec Program Representatives or the Board of Directors to be added to a wait list, and will be notified and allowed to register late if space is available.
The RECREATION DIVISION SOFTBALL SKILL ASSESSMENT is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, Feb 22nd at the Field House on the Humboldt State University Campus and will run from 10 am to 3 pm. Please note players 8 years old and under (8U division) do not need to attend the assessment. However, if an 8U player wishes to play up an age division they must attend the assessment. Specific times for the assessment for each age group are as follows:
- Age 10 and under at 10:30 am
- Age 12 and under at 12:00 pm
- Age 14/16 and older at 1:30.
Please plan to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your age-specific assessment time to allow time to check in at the registration table and to warm up! We need to stress the importance of attendance at the assessment as player evaluations will allow effective distribution of players to teams.
We highly encourage you to pay the registration fee online by credit card. However, if you must pay by check/cash, please print the confirmation page and provide with your payment so we can properly credit your account. For those unable to pay by credit card using our secure online system, payment may be made on-site at the assessment or mailed to MRGFS Registrar, PO Box 4361, Arcata, CA 95518.
For more information about the Mad River Girls Fastpitch Softball Association, Its Recreational Program Humboldt Fastpitch, or its Competitive Travel Program, the Mad River Mist, check out the fact sheet and posts on our website at, browse our facebook site, or click the Questions link at the bottom of the page!
Other Softball News
Important Tentative Dates:
Mid-March: Practices StartUpcoming Clinics:
April- Game Play will begin
May 1-3 Opening Tourney
May- Game Play continues
June 5-7 Finale Tourney
2014 UniformsHumboldt State is offering their weekend clinic January 24-25. Information and registration can be accessed via:
We still have several uniforms outstanding from the 2014 softball season. The return of the uniform would be greatly appreciated for inventory and ordering purposes in preparation for 2015. Traci Niles is our uniform coordinator and works for Umpqua Bank. She has made arrangements so that uniforms can be dropped off at any Umpqua Bank in your local community and it will get to her! Jerseys missing and the total number missing per team include:Tide: 9 missingThunder: 24 missingBreeze: 11 missing
Travel SoftballFlash: 30 missingStorm: 3 missingFire: 3 missingSmash: 1 missingCrush: 2 missingEdge: 7 missing
Humboldt Fastpitch offers travel softball through the Mad River MIST organization. If any of you have an interest, please let us know. We communicate electronically as much as possible and would love to add you to the travel softball email list. Stay tuned for Travel Softball announcements.
If you have any further questions regarding the 2015 Humboldt Fastpitch Softball Season please let us know at your earliest convenience. Thanks!
~the Mad River-Humboldt Fastpitch Board
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Umpire training for the 2015 fastpitch season is scheduled for all interested individuals for Sunday March 22nd from 2-6 pm on the Humboldt State University Campus. If you are interested in this unique and rewarding opportunity, please send us an email at and we will get you in contact with our League's Umpire in Chief. Thanks!
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